Friday, May 8, 2020

Factors That Shape The Learning Experiences Of Our Students

As educators we are called to analyze important issues that shape the learning experiences of our students. One of the major concerns of today’s educators is the so called racial or class groups that are present in our lower income demographics. These groups, which tend to encompass minorities and other non-dominant cultures, are affecting the quality and experiences of thousands of students nationwide. The children of these groups are suffering from external hindrances in pursuing their education. These hindrances come in many forms but equal out to less opportunities and fewer tools for success. Through this critical analysis, outside forces such as; economic and race privilege, prejudice or racism, and discipline data will be explored to answer the question of why these ‘gaps’ in student learning are occurring. A common idea that has garnered some attention these last few years is the idea of ‘white privilege’ and its existence and affect in the school system at large. 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